We help practitioners run and grow their practice.

We believe that practice management should be easy and accessible. You shouldn’t have to spend countless hours doing the administrative work of your practice. That’s why we designed a platform for practitioners to ease their administrative burden and focus on what’s important - their patients.

Meet the passionate founders behind Colib

Thibault Breboin
CEO & Co-founder

François Laruaz
CTO & Co-founder

Our Story

As founders, as human beings, we are animated by our empathy for people. We care about health and wellbeing. We thrive when we can make a difference in patients’ lives.

Thibault has spent almost his entire career in the health-tech industry, creating products and companies to improve people's wellbeing. François has an impressive background as Chief Technical Officer in tech companies and shares that passion to promote a better health and lifestyle for everyone.

We are passionate about health and wellness and when we realised that we could dramatically improve the daily routine of practitioners, thus improving patients' outcomes, we embarked on that adventure right away.

Colib started in 2020, and as the world was slowly reopening from the pandemic closures and lockdowns, we rapidly understood there was panic among practices and clinics. With a simple and easy to use online health declaration form, we started helping hundreds of small canadian businesses regain hours of their time every day. Colib built the infrastructure and team to achieve PIPEDA compliance and handle Personal Health Information from day one.

As Colib's clientele grew the website expanded to meet clients' requests. We were amazed to learn that so many small practices were still paper-based, with either archaic systems or no systems at all, and we could help them! We are on a mission to make life better for patients, and we are so happy we get to contribute to that mission by making life easier to health and wellness practitioners.

This is our start, it would mean the world to have you join our journey!

Our Values


Care is the reason being of Colib. This company exists because we care about each other.

  • We care about good health and well-being
  • We care about patients
  • We care about practitioners
  • We care about making people happier
  • We care about resources and sustainability
  • We care about our planet
  • We care about feelings
  • We care about results

We are accountable to the people we serve. We take ownership of our work and feel responsible for delivering our best care to our colleagues, to customers, and to patients.


Service is a major focus for us. We are here to make life easier for our customers. That means providing the best possible service to our customers, listening to their feedback, concerns, and ideas. That also means delivering the best possible experience to patients, making them feel cared for, informed, and comfortable all through their health and wellness journey.

Health & Life

We want living beings to feel good, to feel better. Colib’s mission is to improve health and well-being with the help of technology. Giving the tools to practitioners to deliver better care contributes to making health and life better for everyone.
That focus is also dominant within our team. We acknowledge that work is only a part of our lives, we try and make it a source of added joy and fulfillment, that should never take too much space on the other aspects of our lives.


We believe that simpler is better. We have jobs to achieve every day, and we do not need extra steps in the way. We believe complexity is the enemy and beauty rhymes with simplicity.


We aim to be as open as possible, first among ourselves. We value diversity in the composition of our team and believe having different backgrounds, point of views, beliefs, lifestyles, having grown up in different places, is the strongest asset to any team.
We are more than open to differences, we think they are gifts.
We are open to feedback, from our teammates, our customers, and everyone using Colib. We can’t do everything perfectly, and that’s alright because we are human.
What matters the most is being open to change, improvement, humility, and challenging ourselves.

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We often develop and release new features on our practice management platform. Subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about our recent developments.